
Welcome to the website of Mr Nitesh Patel MBChB(hons), FRCS(Eng), FRCS(ORL-HNS), a Consultant ENT Surgeon and Otologist practising in London, including Harley Street situated in the heart of London's medical community.

Practice Manager​

Mrs Jane Colley
Correspondence address:
92 The Lindens
IG10 3HT
Phone: 07950 473053
The Tinnitus Clinic​
86 Harley Street
Clinic Administrator:
Marta Kaczmarska
Phone: 0800 0306 617
Email: info@thetinnitusclinic.co.uk 

About Mr Nitesh Patel

Nitesh Patel qualified from Manchester University in 1994 with an Honours degree in Medicine and Surgery. He went on to complete his training in ENT Surgery in London and was awarded the Gold Medal by the Royal Society of Medicine for ranking 1st in The Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examination (Great Britain and Ireland) in ENT Surgery in 2005.

Through the JLO Travelling Fellowship he gained further training in Otology at The House Ear Institute in Los Angeles, USA.

He completed his training in 2006 and was added to the General Medical Council Specialist Register for Otolaryngology (GMC Number 4118435).

He joined the consultant staff at Barts Health NHS Trust (Whipps Cross University hospital and Newham University hospitals) in 2007 where he has been working as a consultant since.

He holds private practising privileges at The Holly Private hospital and The Tinnitus Clinic (Harley Street).

Nitesh Patel has subspecialist interests in Ear problems, Hearing loss, Tinnitus and Balance disorders. He has particular expertise in Functional Ear symptoms which include ear pain, ear fullness/pressure, tinnitus and vertigo.

He leads a specialist Adult Ear clinic in his NHS Practice.


Conditions treated



  • Wax build-up / ear block
  • Glue ear
  • Hearing loss / Otosclerosis
  • Ear pain / ear infection / ear discharge / Cholesteatoma
  • Eardrum perforation
  • Tinnitus and hyperacusis
  • Dizziness / Meniere's disease
  • Mastoid reconstruction / Mastoid cavity care


  • Blocked nose
  • Hayfever / Rhinitis
  • Nosebleeds


  • Tonsillitis / Sore throat
  • Feeling of something in throat
  • Laryngopharyngeal reflux

(Please note that Nitesh Patel does not do Cosmetic surgery and only sees Adults in his private practice)


Professional memberships

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© Mr Nitesh Patel